OK, so if you haven't guessed by now, I have had my baby.
I know, I know, it's been about a month and a half and no post or pictures.... but I seriously underestimated how intense it would be. Milo by himself was a full time job, and now I have a baby to protect from his overwhelming love!
So anyway, here's the scoop on the birth.
I opted to be induced a week early for a couple of reasons. First, because I was worried that the later I went, the more likely it would be that I would have to have a C-section and I did NOT want that. Second, because I had been in pain for so long ( I couldn't walk or stand for even short periods of time without getting charlie-horses in my groin so bad that I would fall over), I just wanted to get it over with.
Because I was induced I decided to have an epidural. I thought it was interesting. With Milo, I was determined to have the birth completely natural and it was painful, exhausting and totally worth all of the effort. I felt like I had really accomplished something miraculous. But afterward I was so spent and I didn't really have a chance to recover. I couldn't really get rest in the hospital, my Mom had to leave the day after I came home and Ben had to go back to work immediately, and Milo was super Colicky right off the bat.
With the epidural I was able to sleep the night before, I couldn't even feel my contractions and I only pushed 3 times before Millie was born. The only things that I didn't like about the epidural were the fact that it didn't even feel like I had given birth (all of the sudden I had a baby!), my right leg went spastic when the medicine was wearing off and I accidently kicked my nurse in the shoulder, and I think it was the medicine that made me throw up so many times. I still didn't get any sleep in the hospital. By the way... I HATE Forsyth Hospital!!!! Someone always sticking or checking or giving medicine just after you drift off. And the fire alarm kept going off..... at least this time my room didn't smell like pee.
So, I guess I'm not sold on either way, natural or medicated. It just depends on how I feel when the day comes I guess.
Anyway, I will post some pictures of her from the day she was born and then later I will update with new pictures... you know how much they change in a month!