Thursday, December 11, 2008

Here are some new pictures of all of us.  While my friend Tina was visiting we had our family pictures taken.  I think this one of Milo looks like a headshot.  Some say he has "Edward" hair, and others say he looks like that guy from the Alltell commercials!

Here is Miss Millie in her Christmas dress.
You can see her blue eyes really well in this shot.
Align Center

And here is the family picture.
We had another pose that was not as Christmasy,
but Ben was doing something funny
and he ended up looking like Christian Slater.
He was leaning forward with one eyebrow up...
Oh and the stockings that I put on Millie were supposed to fit her,
But as you can see.......

Here is a close up of  Millie at One month old

I had to take a picture of her in her cowboy boots.
How cute!  Thanks Auntie Blythey for the shoes!!

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